中国计算机学会生物信息专委会常委,生物信息学二区刊物 BMC Bioinformatics和Frontiers in Genetics的副编辑
2021年获得天津市自然科学二等奖,2024年获得中国智能科技最高奖“吴文俊人工智能科学与技术奖”自然科学二等奖, 2022年获得浙江省生物信息学学会科研成果二等奖,2019年获得天津市工程专业学位优秀指导教师奖和天津市工程专业学位硕士研究生优秀学位论文指导教师等
中国自然科学基金面上项目( 2020 /01/01-2023/12/ 31 ) 重组基因组结构变异及演化的算法研究,项目负责人,总金额58万人民币
中国科技部 科技部国家重点研发计划子课题( 2020/11/01-2025/10/31 ) 新蛋白质元件设计的智能算法研究, 总金额1000万人民币,课题一负责人,份额228万
中国科技部 科技部国家重点研发计划参与人( 2017/01/01-2021/12/31 ) 中国重大疾病与罕见疾病临床与生命组学数据库,总金额5000万人民币,天津大学负责人,份额135万
深圳海外学者计划( 2021/01/01-2024/12/31 ) 深圳市海外人才团队 总金额2500万人民币,第二负责人,份额300万
美国国家人文基金(NEH)( 10/01/2018-09/30/2020 ) 社交媒体中语言变化模式的计算工具 总金额 90,000 美元,联合负责人,份额是 25,000 美元
美国国家科学基金NSF IIS 1161586 ( 10/01/2012-09/30/2017 ) 开发 3D 浏览器来探索基因组 总金额为 800,000 美元,项目总负责人,份额为 450,000 美元
美国国家科学基金NSF OCE 0926581 ( 09/15/2009-08/31/2014 ) 在一系列尺度上监测气候变化对岩石潮间带生态系统的影响 总金额为 770,000 美元,第二负责人,份额 200,000 美元
美国国家科学基金NSF OCI 0904179 ( 09/01/2009 -08/31/2013 ) 亿次模拟了解全基因组进化 总金额为 1,000,000 美元,南卡罗来纳大学项目负责人,份额320,000 美元
美国国家人文基金HT-50046-11 ( 10/01/2011-12/31/ 2012 ) 高性能计算协作实验室 项目负责人,总金额为 250,000 美元
美国海军研究办公室ONR N00014-07-1-0686 ( 06/01/2007-05/31/2011 ) 将游戏范式融入计算机辅助工程设计工具中 总金额为 1,000,000 美元,第二负责人,份额 400,000 美元
美国国家科学基金NSF CNS 0708391 ( 06/01/2007-05/31/2011 ) 高性能共享内存计算机用于南卡罗来纳州的生物和医学研究 项目负责人,总金额为 470,000 美元
美国健康研究院NIH R01 GM078991 ( 06/01/2006-05/31/2010 ) 复杂基因组重排事件的系统发育分析 项目负责人,总金额780,000 美元
美国国家科学基金NSF CIPRES 分包项目(NSF EF 03-31654) ( 10/01/2005-09/30/2006 ) 系统发育多序列比对 总金额为 35,000 美元
美国国家进化综合中心夏季支持(由NSF资助)( 2005年夏季 )基因顺序系统发育的算法开发,总金额为18,000美元
Ma, K., Li, J., Zhao, M., Zamit, I., Lin, B., Guo, F., Tang, J., PPRTGI: A Personalized PageRank Graph Neural Network for TF-target Gene Interaction Detection, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2024
Li, X., Ma, S., Xu, J., Tang, J., He, S., Guo, F., TranSiam: Aggregating multi-modal visual features with locality for medical image segmentation, Expert Systems with Applications, 237, 121574, 2024
Liu, X., Yang, H., Ai, C., Ding, Y., Guo, F., Tang, J., MVML-MPI: Multi-View Multi-Label Learning for Metabolic Pathway Inference, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 24 (6), bbad393, 2023
Meng, Q., Guo, F. and Tang, J., Improved structure-related prediction for insufficient homologous proteins using MSA enhancement and pre-trained language model, Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbad217, 2023
Dou, M., Ding, J., Chen, G., Duan, J., Guo, F., Tang, J., IK-DDI: a novel framework based on instance position embedding and key external text for DDI extraction, Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbad099, 2023
Kan, Y., Jiang, L., Guo, Y., Tang, J. and Guo, F., Two-stage-vote ensemble framework based on integration of mutation data and gene interaction network for uncovering driver genes, Briefings in Bioinformatics 23 (1), bbab429, 2022
Liao, Z., Pan, G., Sun, C. and Tang, J., Predicting subcellular location of protein with evolution information and sequence-based deep learning, BMC bioinformatics 22 (10), 1-23, 2021
Hoskins, W.H., Hobbs, W.I., Eason, M.J., Decker, S. and Tang, J., The design and implementation of the Carolina Automated Reading Evaluation for reading deficit screening, Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 4, 100123, 2021
He, W., Tang, J., Zou, Q. and Guo, F., MMFGRN: a multi-source multi-model fusion method for gene regulatory network reconstruction, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22 (6), bbab166, 2021
Wang, J., Liu, J., DiStefano, C., Pan, G., Gao, R., and Tang, J., Utilizing Deep Learning and Oversampling Methods to Identify Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Risk, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 39 (2), 227-241, 2021
Zhang, Z., Wang, W., Xia, R., Pan, G., Wang, J. and Tang, J., Achieving large and distant ancestral genome inference by using an improved discrete quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization algorithm, BMC bioinformatics 21 (1), 1-30, 2020
Pan, G., Wang, J., Zhao, L., Hoskins, W. and Tang, J., Computational Methods for Predicting DNA Binding Protein, Current Proteomics 17 (4), 258-270, 2020
Wang, Y., Ding, Y., Tang, J., Dai, Y., Guo, F., CrystalM: a multi-view fusion approach for protein crystallization prediction, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 18 (1) 325-335, 2019
Zhang, Y., An, L., Xu, J., Zhang, B., Zheng, W., Hu, M., Tang, J. and Yue, F., Enhancing Hi-C data resolution with deep convolutional neural network HiCPlus, Nature communications, 9 (1), 750, 2018
Jiang, L., Xiao, Y., Ding, Y., Tang, J. and Guo, F., FKL-Spa-LapRLS: an accurate method for identifying human microRNA-disease association, BMC genomics, 19 (10), 911, 2018
Feng, B., Hoskins, W., Zhang, Y., Meng, Z., Samuels, D.C., Wang, J., Xia, R., Liu, C., Tang, J. and Guo, Y., Bi-stream CNN Down Syndrome screening model based on genotyping array, BMC medical genomics, 11 (5), 105, 2018
Xia, R., Lin, Y., Zhou, J., Geng, T., Bing, F. and Tang, J., Phylogenetic Reconstruction for Copy-Number Evolution Problems, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 16 (2), 694-699, 2018
Jang, S., Geng, T., Li, J., Xia, R., Huang, C., Kim, H. and Tang, J., A computational approach for examining the roots and spreading patterns of fake news: Evolution tree analysis, Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 103-113, 2018
Xia, R., Lin, Y., Zhou, J., Feng, B. and Tang, J., A Median Solver and Phylogenetic Inference Based on Double-Cut-and-Join Sorting, Journal of Computational Biology, 25 (3), 302-312, 2018
3.陈庆云、唐继军、李朝,SynbioML 后台管理系统,软件著作权登记号2017SR004706;该软件用于教育部重点工程实验室--“系统生物工程教育部重点实验室”的元件库管理系统